Contact us for workshops and collaborations.
Current Project
Chakra -
The cycle of a woman
Premiered this short teaser on
World Menstrual Hygiene day 2023
For details, collaborations, performances and workshops, contact us at

​Zürich TANZT festival,13 MAY, 2023 at Wasserkirche, Zürich. We did a crash-course intended for the whole family to learn some dance, some science and have fun storytelling. We worked on the science of blood flow and artherosclerosis.
Kids Vacation Workshop - "Move and Learn Science" - Currently running a monthly Spring - Summer 2021 workshop
In October 2019, Dr. Kamat conducted a workshop at a satellite symposium of the International Society of Vascularized Composite Tissue Allotransplantation meeting in Kochi, India.
Production and Presentations
Invited Performance at Die Lange Nacht Der Zürcher Museen 3. SEPT. 22
CERN is working towards understanding the building blocks of the universe using the Large Hadron Collider as their main tool. In a simple and creative way, through our dance presentation, find out what happens in the Large Hadron Collider and stay on to interact with a physicist.
Participated in Illinois Physics Art Science Festival 2021 part of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Presented in Online Exhibition of The Early Years - A Window of Opportunity. A Global Art & Science Exhibition
Jan 2020 - Viral and Bacterial Infection – Science and Prevention taught through movement
Participated (In collaboration with art@CMS, ORIGIN) in Science Filmmaking marathon organized by the Swiss Science Film academy (
Movie details -​
The movie "Journey of a Proton" was screened during the Swiss Science Film Festival 2020 - 6th-8th November.
Panel Discussion, poster session, guest blogs and talks

April 2021 - Dr. Muthukrishnan wrote a guest blog for CMS (CERN) - Dancing the Journey of a Proton
Nov 2020 - Dr. Kamat gave a talk at BioXtronomy meetup event "Communicating Science Through Performing Arts + AI Arts + Quantum Music". Dr. Kamat's talk was titled "Blur the line between art and science"
Sept 2020 - e-poster Presentation at the The Transplantation Society meeting
Sept 2020 - Dr. Kamat moderated a virtual networking session on "Exploring use of Performing Arts for Public outreach and Education"